Businesses on MainStreet are growing, thriving, and contribute to the vitality of their community. They are the places people want to work.
After running our own businesses, and working with thousands of others on hundreds of Main Streets, we understand the attributes of high performing businesses. We know how these attributes support reliable and sustainable growth, and we know how to teach this to you.
No matter what size your business is…or wants to become.
For organizations who aspire to the next level growth, who recognize the need for help to get there, and who are willing to listen and act, we have developed and tested the tools to incorporate high performing attributes into your business.
You know your business. We use our expertise to look at your business through a high performing company filter. We help you apply best practices and “ideal” models to focus priorities and accelerate towards your goals. We also help you recognize what is distracting you from achieving your goals, so you can course correct quickly and on purpose.
What this journey looks like is improved productivity, better staff engagement, and clients who value what you offer and are a pleasure to work with.
Investing in your team demonstrates you trust and value their contribution. It also shows them you are in this together.
The principles we teach your team come from the best practices and attributes of high performing organizations. Inoculating the people in your organization with these principles helps them understand your business goals, upgrades their skills, and connects them with outcomes.
What you get is a dynamic culture that attracts quality people who contribute with reliable decision-making, and who are aligned with organizational values.
We share these high performance attributes using tools and processes that help employees learn and embrace these skills.
What we believe
We believe healthy and profitable companies are the cornerstone of community and its’ citizens leading productive, engaged and peaceful lives.
How we support our belief is by helping our clients model attributes of high performing organizations to focus and accelerate progress toward positive results.
What we do is work with you to apply our tools and framework to your organization, along with the metrics to create a reliable and sustainable path for growth, so you can continue successfully toward your goals without having to be under our watch.
This is an era of Collaboration…we contribute our knowledge and expertise with your unique capabilities to make what is possible for your business real.
What our clients say
“Mainstreet’s program ensures everyone in your organization is on the same page, while providing valuable support and insight that helps craft a viable roadmap for future growth” – Import/Export/Private Label Company
“MainStreet’s vast experiences and refined approach elevated our already high functioning team to the next level” – Technology and Publishing Company
“MainStreet’s methodology helped us focus how we engage with our audiences and provided a framework for our operation to be relevant and financially sustainable as market conditions evolve.” – Not for Profit